Vibrant, connected and authentic, Laki takes the mission of bringing to Brazilian productions not only the expertise acquired by its young partners on the most renowned audiovisual industries in the world, but mainly to pursue the dream of telling impactful stories to transport people to a different reality.
Inspired by the Hawaiian luck and by the power of the volcano which changed the world´s climate, both reframed on Laki´s name, and led by the Phoenix’s resilience, our concepts could not have a different awakening.
More than a production company, Laki is a content house designed for our days. We are touched by the classic’s traditions but young in spirit, bounded to the present ways of experimenting content and oriented towards national and international co-productions.
That is why, after shooting and acting side by side with professionals from different countries, we believe on the gathering of distinct views and backgrounds as the true path to create a story that matters.
It is precisely from this sense that Laki Films was born, guided by a committed and motivated team, passionate for telling bold stories that will remain alive after the test of time.
Hence, gathering different views and experiences, the passion for movies, the ambition to create extraordinary international partnerships and a certain audacity to face the stigma of Brazilian productions, we grasped our fate with both hands to make our own luck.
If you can relate to our essence and believe in the international production standards, you are more than welcome to collaborate with Laki!